How do EFT Sessions Work?

What can I expect?

During our therapy sessions we’ll focus on stressors which may include emotions, fears, intrusive thoughts, limiting beliefs, urges, physical sensations, or memories. With EFT, we’ll ‘mirror tap,’ meaning we’ll tap on ourselves in tandem while I guide the session through a series of deliberate questions and statements.

How can I get the most from EFT therapy?

Many issues are complex and require layers to be peeled gradually. It’s essential to pace ourselves so I encourage new clients to commit to at least three sessions to observe how they respond to EFT (visit the EFT page to learn about how this technique works).

Some issues such as phobias or impulsive cravings can be reduced in one or two sessions, but this isn’t always the case (read my article on using EFT for phobias to learn more about this).

Please remember that while EFT shows results and shifts faster than other traditional therapies, it is still a process. Working safely, especially with complex experiences involving trauma or shame, means going on a journey together (what I call an underworld journey). If we’ve worked together before and you would like maintenance sessions, this is a great idea and they can be booked ad hoc. However, early in the process it’s important to book sessions regularly, ideally once a week or every other week. Consistency is more important than frequency.

In our Discovery Session I may be able to estimate how many sessions would be beneficial to start with, but every client and issue is different.

New & Prospective Clients

If you’re a new client we will need a no-commitment 20 minute Discovery Session first (conducted remotely) during which we’ll talk about how EFT works and what you can expect in sessions. We’ll also discuss your goal, lifestyle, and my approach. When you book your Discovery Session, you’ll be prompted to complete a New Client intake form which I will review in advance.

Subsequent sessions are 1 hour 15 minutes (but please let me know if you need to stop at 60 minutes, this isn’t a problem).


Discovery session - Free

Single sessions - £100

8 session package - £760

12 session package - £1,100

Sessions / packages are paid for at the time of booking and payments can be made by card. Payment plans are available, please email me to enquire:

In Person vs. Remote

I am moving towards a remote session model, but if you strongly prefer them to be in person please let me know and we can discuss this in your Discovery Session.

In Person - I’m based in Southeast London.

Remote - EFT works exactly the same way whether it’s in person or remote, which is why I work with people around the world and love doing so (clients on five continents and counting!).

Please ensure you have a reliable internet connection and a private place to work.


When you book your session, before committing you will be able to peruse my availability over the next few months. Broadly, I offer sessions 5 days per week, from 7:30am to 9:30pm GMT to suit diverse time zones.

I don’t offer fixed time slots so I recommend booking sessions in advance to ensure you get the slots you prefer.

Book a session